Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Anxious Lawyer, by Jeena Cho and Karen Gifford

Lawyers are notoriously cynical, and meditation is not the first thing the average lawyer thinks about when he/she is burnt out. Quitting law, sabbaticals, long vacations, and/or changing jobs are what pops into the mind of a very tired, very anxious attorney. I should know, I have practiced law for over two decades. Accordingly, I have to admit that I approached "The Anxious Lawyer" looking for a quick fix, will it "fix" the problem now? I found that the answer is both yes and no. The act of reading the book is the beginning of the "fix." Learning to meditate, grappling with mindfulness, learning to breathe and have compassion for yourself, as well as others, these are some of the lessons Jeena Cho teaches. I think Cho's seminar must be an effective continuing legal education course, and I would like to see it offered. I also think this book would be a very effective audio book or dvd (if they don't exist already). Will this book "cure" anxiety? No, the practice of law produces overwhelming amounts of anxiety, as does almost any profession in 2016. Cho does, however, provide many of the tools needed for dealing with that anxiety and minimizing the damage to your health and mental well being.

(In return for an honest review, I was provided with an advance review copy of the book by the publisher via NetGalley.)

Print Length: 251 pages
Publisher: Ankerwycke (July 1, 2016)
Publication Date: July 1, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

ELGIN PARK: Visual Memories of Midcentury America at 1/24th scale, by Michael Paul Smith and Gail K. Ellison

Michael Paul Smith and Gail K. Ellison recreate, in 1/24 scale (1/2 inch = 12 inches), midwest houses, streets and life from the 1920s onward, including Smith's own childhood home. Smith also provides instructions on how to build, how to create the right mood, and how to best photograph the scene. I am a miniatures collector and creator, and I have explored this world for most of my adult life. Elgin Park astounded me, it blew me away. This is a book to spend time with, to absorb one photo and one page at a time, and to keep around for years to come. I absolutely loved it!

(A page from Elgin Park demonstrates how amazing this book is.)

(I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)

Perfect Paperback: 324 pages
Publisher: Animal Media Group LLC; 1st edition (June 24, 2015)
Language: English

Thirtiestyle: Home Decoration and Furnishings from the 1930s (Moda Style Guides), by Katie Arber

This is a wonderful collection of advertisements and photos that depict the influence of the Art Deco/ Art Moderne style on British furniture and interiors during the 1930s. If this is your decor style, or you just like/love this period, this is the book for you. I love this book!

Series: Moda Style Guides
Paperback: 64 pages
Publisher: Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture; New edition edition (July 23, 2015)

Art Deco, by Camilla De La Bedoyere

This is a beautiful little book full of photos of art, furniture, textiles and ephemera from the Art Deco era. If you love this era, as I do, you will treasure this book!

Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Star Fire (2006)
Language: English

Want to Know: Going To the Theater, by Florence Ducatteau (Author) and Chantal Peten (Illustrator)

The illustrations in this children's book on the theater are wonderful, and they make the book very special. The author also does a good job setting out the history of ancient theater and describing the basics of modern plays, acting, directing, and scripts. It is a remarkable book that I wish had been published when I was ten. (I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)

Age Range: 5 and up
Grade Level: Kindergarten and up
Series: Want to Know
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Clavis (July 12, 2016)